20 days left to have your say on our train services

The Department of Transport has launched a consultation to determine the requirements for the franchise of the West Coast Main Line. These services, from Watford Junction into London and up to the Midlands, and on the Abbey Line, are currently managed by London Midland. The new franchise period will run from 2017.

Richard Harrington MP for Watford has launched his survey on the service.

Speaking about the consultation, Richard Harrington said: “Many of us commute into London for work each day and I know very well how delays and problems can affect us. I have made representations on the common complaints I receive from train users but it will only bolster what I am saying if you respond to my survey and let the Department for Transport know what you think. This is a once in a decade chance to get big improvements.”

Richard Harrington has sent in his own response to the consultation. In his response, Richard said:

“Our train services are plagued with delays and cancellations. On top of this the Abbey Line is underutilised and inefficient. Out of these franchise negotiations I would like to see a much better deal for Watford.

There are two recurring issues which must be solved in the next franchise period- a shortage of rolling stock and a lack of drivers, which cause short formed trains and outright cancellations. The Franchise holder must commit to investing in both.

Speaking about the need for Watford Junction to be redeveloped, Richard went on to say:

“Watford Junction station itself is overcrowded, as are the trains. Footfall has doubled in under 10 years as rail travel as become more popular. The Met Line line link to the Junction, and the potential for a link to Crossrail, are hugely positive developments but will mean the station gets busier. We must plan ahead and commit to redevelop the station so that it is fit for purpose.”

Richard went on to talk about improving the Abbey Line:

“The Abbey Line is underutilised because it is infrequent and unreliable. Used properly, the Abbey Line could relieve traffic at Watford Junction, in North Watford and Garston. It could be a hugely convenient option for tens of thousands of people. We need at least two trains an hour, through to midnight and peak services which go through to London. These ideas have been mooted to Franchise holders in the past. This time, the commitments must be a requirement of managing the WCML.”

And continued to campaign on the overall cost of travelling from the Watford area:

“We pay very high fares and do not get the service we require. It is time for two things – a reduction in the fare zones we are part of, and that we get the high quality service we pay for”

This consultation is open to all and Richard Harrington MP is encouraging rail users to give their feedback so that improvements are made to the service.

Many local people have already taken part, but in response to feedback from constituents that this has been time consuming, Richard Harrington is asking local people to submit answers to selected relevant questions on his website, and he will refer these to the Department of Transport on your behalf.

Your feedback will be listened to - due to the representations made by Richard Harrington MP, the County Council and the Abbey Flyer Users Group, significant requirements were placed on London Midland for the last two years of this franchise period, up to 2017. These include a new later evening service on the Abbey Line, new car parking spaces, WiFi on trains, contactless payment options and cleaner trains. So please take Richard’s survey here:  https://richardharrington.typeform.com/to/vA3a7X

The full consultation document can be found here: www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/west-midlands-franchise/